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Customer Onboarding Assessment

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Have you examined your customer onboarding lately?

Most companies are losing money and delaying profits when it comes to onboarding their customers. 


Don't let that happen to you.


Whether your customer onboarding process has been around for a while or is brand new,

it's time for Customer Onboarding Expert, Donna Weber, to take its pulse

and then take it to the next level of health and impact.  


Every day you’re not driving customers to value you
are losing revenue, frustrating your teams,
& diminishing your reputation.


Why it matters

The longer you take to sort out customer onboarding the more money you may be losing every month, not just in customer churn, but in lost revenue, and customer expansion and referrals.


We will find out what customer onboarding is costing you and how to take it to the next level.



  • Strategic review of how you currently onboard customers

  • Calculation of average onboarding costs 

  • Your rating on the Customer Onboarding Maturity Model

  • Tailored guidance to help do you more with the resources you have, to make more money, and to turn customers into loyal champions

  • Action plan to immediately improve your people, processes, technology, and scalability 

What you get


How it works

  • You complete the customer onboarding assessment questionnaire

  • I learn about your product and meet with internal stakeolders

  • We meet in a working session to review the results of the assessment and explore how to immediately take your company and your customers to the next level

  • You receive a tailored action plan addressing next steps for people, processes, technology, and scalability

  • We have a follow-up meeting to review your tailored action plan and next steps

  • Optional add-on: Inform the assessment with interviews with three recently onboarded customers


What's Next

  1. Schedule your first meeting with Donna

  2. Fill out the Onboarding Assessment Questionnaire

  3. Meet with Donna to review the results

  4. Take your company and your customers to the next level

© Donna Weber 

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